Lab@Home Vlog series
Weekly videos of DNA analysis on a kitchen table

Jenny’s First Vlog
Dr Jenny Shelton takes you behind the scenes of the DNA analysis lab on her kitchen table and shows that real world biosciences can be accessible to everyone.
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A rare mushroom? (Part 1)
Jenny is using the Fungal DNA Barcoding Workflow to analyse some mystery mushrooms.
Part 1: DNA Extractions + PCR

A rare mushroom? (Part 2)
After successfully extracting DNA and performing PCR on the mystery mushrooms, it is time to prepare the samples for sequencing.
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Sexing pigeons from feather DNA
Dr Jenny Shelton extracts DNA from feathers plucked from the breasts of male and female pigeons, to optimise the bird sexing workflow.
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I’ve run out of centrifuge tubes!
In this vlog, it’s time to do a stock check and get some more microcentrifuge tubes.
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Do I have the “Athlete Gene”?
Jenny wants to know: is she a sprinter or an endurance runner?
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Testing my genes for bitterness taste receptors
Jenny is not a fan of brussel sprouts. Could the reason be in her genes?
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Can my partner test his own genetics?
Jenny’s partner Matt is not a molecular biologist. He wants to know if he has the “Athlete” gene, and will try to do the whole experiment by himself (with some advice from Jenny behind the camera).
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*Christmas special!*
What can Jenny paint with mushroom DNA?
Christmas Special
Jenny makes a festive image using mushroom DNA.

The DNA Analysis Framework Explained:
Extraction, PCR, Electrophoresis
DNA analysis follows a framework of several workflows: DNA extraction, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and gel electrophoresis (and / or sequencing). In this video, Dr Jennifer Shelton explains the role of each step and how they fit together.
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Extracting DNA from taxidermied parrot wings!
Dr Jennifer Shelton tests different DNA extraction methods in an attempt to get samples from taxidermied parrot wings.
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Using DNA Sequencing to identify parrots from feather samples
Dr Jennifer Shelton sequences a region of DNA amplified from taxidermied parrot wings to find out what parrot species the wings belonged to.
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Trouble-shooting our pigeon sexing protocol
In this vlog, Jenny tweaks the DNA extraction method from feathers and bird sexing PCR for pigeons.
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Solving the mystery of PCR inhibition!
Jenny figures out why PCRs she sets up in the morning work but PCRs she sets up in the afternoon do not!
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DNA analysis nerd-out
Jenny demonstrates how amazingly different PCRs can turn out just from how DNA extractions are handled. If you’re a molecular biology nerd, this is the vlog for you!
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Plant DNA barcoding
Jenny is attempting to identify a number of plants in her house and garden using DNA barcoding. It’s her first attempt at extracting DNA from plants and at running the two plant barcoding PCRs – watch to see how she gets on!
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Plant DNA sequencing
Jenny has received sequences back for the DNA barcodes she amplified from her house and garden plants in last week’s vlog. Watch to find out if the plants are what she thinks they are!
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Detecting insecticide resistance in mosquitoes
This week Jenny tries out two protocols that several of our community members in the US have been developing, using Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes kindly provided by the CDC.
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What I learned from doing molecular biology from home
It’s the final episode of the Lab @ Home vlog! Check out what Jenny has learned from running a DNA analysis lab from her kitchen table.
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